1 Pound 65% Rh Heartfelt Beads Reviews for the product - 1 Pound 65% Rh Heartfelt Beads -
3 Product Reviews - Average rating 5 / 5 (Best Rated | Worst Rated | Most Recent | Oldest)
18 years and still going
- 6/18/2024
I purchased 1 lb of beads in 2006. These same beads have been in every humidor I've owned for the past 18 years. In all that time it has never strayed more than a percentage or so from 65%.

There is quite simply nothing quite like these on the market. I had spent years fiddling with humidification before finding Heartfelt. I've used absolutely nothing else since.

It took 18 years for me to place another 1 lb order. To be honest, I'm sure I could have just divided up my original order a again because they're still holding humility. I older pulled the trigger because I figured, after 18 years, they deserved some compensation for the immeasurable time they've saved me.
Great Product will buy again.
- 1/8/2020
Ready to go right out of the bag! I noticed the recovery time was improved by double over the 320 gram Boveda packs. My hygrometers are calibrated and they are showing 65.05% R.H. I split the bag into 1/3’s and placed one on the top shelf one in the middle and one on the bottom of my wineodor. So far excellent product.
Great Product will buy again.
- 1/8/2020
Ready to go right out of the bag! I noticed the recovery time was improved by double over the 320 gram Boveda packs. My hygrometers are calibrated and they are showing 65.05% R.H. I split the bag into 1/3’s and placed one on the top shelf one in the middle and one on the bottom of my wineodor. So far excellent product.